Part one (titled Rudi Jäger and the Den of Wolves) follows series protagonist B.J. Blazkowicz as he heads to Castle Wolfenstein in Bavaria, where forces commanded by a Nazi prison warden protect the coordinates to New Order villain General Deathshead’s compound. In part two (titled The Dark Secrets of Helga Von Schabbs), B.J. follows his lead to the city of Wolfburg, where a Nazi archaelogist is uncovering artifacts that threaten the entire world.
Wolfenstein: The New Order was one of the most critically acclaimed games of 2014, and it was a near-winner for our own best of the year. Developer Machine Games delivered a confident take on the long-running series, balancing smooth old-school run-and-gun action against an unexpectedly complex and affecting story. The New Order imagines an alternate history in which the Nazis win World War II, picking up years after the conflict when B.J. joins an underground resistance cell in Europe.
The Old Blood sets its story in 1946, not long before the end of The New Order‘s fictitious world war. There’s no additional detail to reveal about the story at present, but you can check out some of the new enemies and weapons on display in the fun, ’50s-style trailer up top.
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is coming to PlayStation, Windows, and Xbox One on May 5.